SCSF 公益財団法人札幌がんセミナー



公益財団法人札幌がんセミナーTOP / 札幌国際がんシンポジウム




■第42回 札幌国際がんシンポジウム
代表世話人:中釜 斉氏(国立がん研究センター 理事長)
テーマ:Deciphering Clonal Cancer Evolution toward Precision Cancer Medicine
詳細は →

事前登録:The number of on-site participants are limited, there is possibility that registration will be closed earlier than the deadline.
 *You are required to register in advance.
 *All of sessions will be held in English.
 *Registration will close when the venue capacity is reached.
  Deadline: May 31st (Fri), 2024


Thursday, June 6

15:00-15:05  Opening Remarks

15:05-15:45  Keynote Lecture 1
Seishi Ogawa (Kyoto Univ.)

15:45-17:00  Medical AI / Mathematical Simulation
Understanding Cancer Diversity by Quantitative Representation of Histopathology
Shumpei Ishikawa (Univ. of Tokyo / Natl. Cancer Center)
Integration of deep learning and mathematical modeling unveil the dynamics of tumor microenvironment
Yasuhiro Kojima (Natl. Cancer Center)
Data-driven and AI-driven cancer research
Ryuji Hamamoto (Natl. Cancer Center)

18:00-20:00 Welcome Party (Presenter (oral & poster) only)


Friday, June 7

9:00-9:40  Keynote Lecture 2
Marc Ladanyi (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

9:40-10:30  Epigenetic Regulation (1)
Therapeutic Approaches for Cancer and Sarcoma Targeting RNA Binding Proteins
Akihide Yoshimi (Natl. Cancer Center)
Exploring Chromatin Remodeling in Malignant Hematopoiesis
Daichi Inoue (Osaka Univ.)

10:30-10:40  Coffee Break

10:40-11:35  Epigenetic Regulation (2)
Epigenetic regulation of Dynamic Interplay between Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Cell
Yutaka Kondo (Nagoya Univ.)
Topological formation of transcriptional condensates relative to subnuclear compartments
Won-Ki Cho (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)

11:35-12:30  Precision Cancer Medicine (1)- Prevetion –
Dr. Shuji Ogino (Harvard University, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard)
Yukari Totsuka (School of Phamacy, Nihon Univ)

12:30-13:30  Luncheon Seminar 1

13:30-14:50  Cellular Senescence
Interplay between cancer stromal senescent cells determines malignant microenvironment.
Makoto Nakanishi (Univ. of Tokyo)
Pros and Cons of senescence in cancer
Andrea Alimonti (Institute of Oncology Research Dept. Health Sci.Tech., ETH Zurich)
Regulation of cancer and aging by aging-responsible cells
Tatsushi Igaki (Kyoto Univ)

14:50-15:05  Coffee Break

15:05-15:55  Sweets Seminar

15:55-17:10  Tumor microenvironment (1)
Multi-Layered transcriptional architecture of glioblastoma ecosystems revealed by large scale-single nucleus RNA sequencing
Masashi Nomura (Univ. of Tokyo)
Immunne cells derived from clonal hematopoiesis shape the tumor microenvironments
Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto (Tsukuba Univ.)
Genetic alterations characterize the tumor immune microenvironment
Shohei Koyama (Osaka Univ./NCC)

18:00-20:00 Dinner (all participants)


Saturday, June 8

9:00-10:45  Tumor Heterogeneity
Strategic drug development using in vitro and in vivo screening to overcome cancer heterogeneity
Shinji Kohsaka (Natl. Cancer Center)
Heterogenous metastatic breast cancer stem cells reside in the metastatic niche
Noriko Gotoh (Kanazawa Univ.)
Survival signaling of drug-tolerant persister cells and mechanisms of acquired resistance emergence
Ryohei Katayama (Cancer Institute)
Clare Weeden (The Francis Crick Inst., UK)

10:45-10:55  Coffee Break

10:55-11:35  Keynote Lecture 3
Hiroyoshi Nishikawa (National Cancer Center, Japan)

11:35-12:30  Tumor microenvironment (2)
Gut-liver Axis-Mediated Mechanism of Steatosis-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Progression
Naoko Ohtani (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)
Gut and tumor microbiota as a biomarker and therapeutic target in lung cancer: A new strategy in precision medicine
Arielle Elkrief (Univ. of Montreal)

12:30-13:30  Luncheon Seminar 2

13:30-14:45  Poster Session (includes coffee break)

14:45-16:30  Precision Cancer Medicine (2)
CGP test and Cancer genomic medicine in Japan
Kuniko Sunami (Natl. Cancer Center)
Investigating the selective mechanism behind U2AF1 mutations in lung adenocarcinoma
David Walter (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA)
Pan-cancer comparative and integrative analyses of driver alterations using Japanese and international genomic databases
Keisuke Kataoka (Keio Univ.)
Regulation of cytokine signaling for improved adoptive immunotherapy
Yuki Kagoya (Keio Univ.)

16:30-16:40  Closing Remarks


■第41回 Cancer Organoids: Domain Expansion

■第40回 Tumor Heterogeneity: From Cancer Genome Evolution To Drug Resistance

■第39回 Cell reprograming and cancer: Impact of cancer epigenetics

■第38回 Integrated Cancer Analysis : ciences creates advanced diagnosis and therapies Microenvironment

■第37回 Deciphering the Complexity of Cancer Microenvironment

■第36回 Advanced in Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy

■第35回 Cancer Epigenome: from Discovery to Translation

■第34回 Discovering Cancer Biomarkers, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics through Integrative Omics

■第33回 Modern Aspect of Human Cancer Stem Cell/Cancer-initiating Cell

■第32回 Asian School Health Symposium: Beyond Deworming

■第31回 Advanced Radiation Therapy and Cancer Research Up-to-Date

■第30回 Membrane Traffic and Cancer

■第29回 Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Cancer

■第28回 TGF-β Signaling and Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第27回 Glycomics; New Perspectives in Cancer Cell Behavior
 プログラム / Meeting Report(1) / Meeting Report(2)

■第26回 Innate Immunity in Cancer and Infectious Diseases
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第25回 Toward Personalized Medicine in Cancer and Other Lifestyle-Related Diseases

■第24回 Pharmacogenomics inCancer Chemotherapy:Recent Advances in ABC Transporters and Genome Analyses
 プログラム / Meeting Report / Meething Report(J)

■第23回 Immunology-based Targeting Therapy

■第22回 Cancer Epigenetics

■第21回 Epstein-Barr Virus and Human Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第20回 Gene-Environment Interaction and Cancer Prevention
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第19回 Cancer Genomics and Molecular Diagnosis
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第18回 Regulation of Machinery for Cancer Cell Growth, Immortality, Apoptosis and Invasion

■第17回 Cytoskeleton and G Proteins in the Regulation of Cancer

■第16回 Molecular Mechanisms for Inflammation-promoted Pathogenesis of Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第15回 Psycho-Neuroimmunology and Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第14回 Genetic Polymorphism and Cancer Susceptibility
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第13回 Current Strategies of Cancer Chemoprevention
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第12回 Oxyradicals and Anti-oxidative Responses in Cancer

■第11回 Molecules in Carcinogenic Processes
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第10回 Recent topics in Cancer Research
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第9回 Cell Differentiation and Cancer Control
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第8回 Cancer Progression and Metastasis

■第7回 Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第6回 Viruses, Immunodeficiency, and Human Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第5回 Monoclonal Antibodies: Progress in Cancer Immunology and Clinical Application
 プログラム/ Meeting Report

■第4回 Viral Transforming Genes and Oncogenes: Origin, Structure, and Function
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第3回 Biological Responses in Cancer Chemotherapy
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第2回 Membrane-Associated Alterations in Cancer: Biochemical Strategies Against Cancer
 プログラム / Meeting Report

■第1回 Escape of Tumor cells from Immune Controls
 プログラム / Meeting Report


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